Wild’s new tactic: ignore crises, go all in on abortion
The Lehigh Valley saw gas prices hit new record-highs this weekend.
So what’s Susan Wild focusing on? Her extreme support for on-demand abortion until birth!
And instead of addressing surging gas prices and inflation, Wild is spending her time making outlandish claims such as:
- People will lose access to “contraception”
- People will no longer be able to decide “how many children to have”
- People won’t be able to “marry the person you love, regardless of gender or color”
- Women won’t be able to “get credit in their own names”
But Reuters reports inflation still eclipses abortion as the galvanizing issue for voters this cycle.
NRCC Comment: “Susan Wild is going to be very disappointed when it turns out Pennsylvanians actually wanted her to fix the inflation, crime, and border crises she’s caused instead of using abortion as a distraction tactic.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock