New NRCC Ads Target Vulnerable Democrats Over Record-High Gas Prices

June 15, 2022

WASHINGTON — The NRCC today released new ads slamming vulnerable Democrats over the record-high gas prices Americans are paying across the country.

“Democrats launched a war on American energy and now voters across the country are paying the price,” said NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer.  “The American people know Joe Biden and House Democrats’ anti-energy agenda is responsible for this crisis.”

Watch one of the ads here:

The ads will run across digital platforms as part of a five-figure ad buy.

The ads will run in the following districts:

CA-09 Josh Harder 

CA-26 Julia Brownley 

CA-47 Katie Porter

CA-49 Mike Levin

IA-03 Cindy Axne 

IN-01 Frank Mrvan 

NJ-03 Andy Kim 

NJ-07 Tom Malinowski 

OH-09 Marcy Kaptur

PA-07 Susan Wild 

PA-08 Matt Cartwright

TX-28 Henry Cuellar