Vulnerable Dems, NY-18 voters alike are getting a raw deal from Maloney

July 26, 2022

Sean Patrick Maloney claims he is spending 16-18 hours a day in his capacity as DCCC Chair “trying to make sure [Democrats] hold the House of Representatives,” and “that is [his] number one focus.”

Is that really something to brag about?

Democrats are consistently trailing Republicans on the generic congressional ballot as they struggle to defend themselves against inflation, record gas prices, surging crime, and a crisis at the southern border.

And Maloney still represents NY-18 in Congress, even if he’s already moved on to slightly bluer pastures in NY-17.

NRCC Comment: “It’s an odd flex for Sean Patrick Maloney to brag about devoting 100 percent of his time awake to his duties as DCCC Chair when NY-18 voters expect him to be working for them and House Democrats are in horrible positioning ahead of the midterms.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock