Gottheimer & Malinowski not worth their SALT

August 10, 2022

Politico reports Democrats like Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski “vowed for years to draw a line in the sand and oppose any tax plan that didn’t lift a cap on local and state tax deductions. Then the sand moved.”

As pledges of “No SALT, no deal” become a distant memory, Gottheimer and Malinowski are full of excuses defending a bill that:

  • Keeps the SALT cap in place AND increases taxes on businesses
  • Hires an IRS army to harass the middle class
  • Provides $7,500 tax breaks on “luxury” electric cars

NRCC Comment: “The SALT cap repeal was supposed to be Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski’s principled stand and they still caved to their party bosses faster than you can say ‘No SALT, no deal.’ When push came to shove, Gottheimer and Malinowski sided with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden over New Jerseyans.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock