NEW IA-03 TV AD: “Leader or Lackey”
The NRCC today released a new television ad contrasting Zach Nunn’s response to Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal with Cindy Axne’s.
When Joe Biden stranded Americans and our allies in Afghanistan, Nunn assembled Task Force Argo, a team of veterans who helped rescue them.
Axne defended Biden’s withdrawal, saying, “our efforts to get Americans & our allies out of Afghanistan were very effective.”
“Leader or Lackey” will run in Des Moines:
NRCC Comment: “Zach Nunn stepped up to help rescue Americans and our allies following Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cindy Axne tried to help Biden cover up his disastrous withdrawal that left 13 U.S. service members dead. The choice is clear.” - Spokesman Mike Berg