ICYMI: Chairman Emmer discusses midterms on Fox News Sunday

September 4, 2022

NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer joined Fox News Sunday yesterday where he made the case that the midterms are a security election: economic security, security in our cities and border security. Democrats have failed to deliver on all three.

Emmer: “This election, Mike, can be summed up with one word: security. It’s about Americans’ economic security, it’s about Americans’ physical security… Because of failed Democrat policies Americans are struggling. They have to make difficult choices every single day about groceries and gas. And on the security side, the physical security, Democrats’ pro-criminal policies have literally made our cities war zones… It’s about the southwestern border being run over by cartels who are terrorizing American citizens, about every community in the country having to deal with the fentanyl crisis and parents wondering if their child is going to be the one that dies next.” 

Watch the full interview HERE.