SHOT/CHASER: McLeod-Skinner attacks her own agenda in latest ad
September 7, 2022
SHOT: In Democrat Jamie McLeod-Skinner’s latest ad, she declares “Congress is not getting the job done” and if elected, she’ll “shovel through Congress’ B.S. to lower costs of the basics.”
CHASER: Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in Portland fundraising for McLeod-Skinner to promote their party’s latest spending spree – which McLeod-Skinner supports and will cause Oregonians more financial hardship.
NRCC Comment: “Jamie McLeod-Skinner clearly knows how toxic her party’s reckless spending is, but her weak attempt to distance herself from her own record of support won’t hide the fact she will be a rubber stamp for Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi’s agenda.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Courtney Parella