Marlinga says he didn’t defend child predators, his own website disagrees
This weekend, Carl Marlinga put out a Facebook video saying he didn’t make “a career out of defending people accused of sex crimes and child pornography. It’s crazy because it’s exactly the opposite.”
But a quick scan of the Marlinga Group, PLLC’s website tells a much different story.
The section titled “Child Sexual Abuse or Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor” is dedicated to showing how Marlinga Group helps accused child sex predators get off easy. It even bragged about getting one such offender’s sentence drastically reduced:

NRCC Comment: “Carl Marlinga should stop lying and admit he made a career out of helping child sex predators escape justice. At this point, the only question is who is a bigger scumbag: Marlinga or his clients.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg