Susan Wild asked for a citation… here it is!
Susan Wild feigned ignorance over her open borders agenda during her debate against Lisa Scheller.
Wild said she’d “like a citation” for the bills she claimed she “didn’t vote for” and “[doesn’t] remember those ever coming up” when asked about her opposition to more personnel and support at the border – well, here they are!
- Wild voted to create the largest mass-legalization program for undocumented immigrants in U.S. history.
- Wild voted to provide amnesty for illegal immigrants even before that.
- Wild voted to limit the president’s authority at the border.
- Wild blocked many more bills from being voted on, which would have bolstered border security and funding.
NRCC Comment: “Susan Wild is either such a bad congresswoman that she forgot the votes she’s taken to keep our southern borders open, or she’s lying directly to Lehigh Valley voters’ faces. Either option is disqualifying for public office.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock