Dem finger-pointing begins…
Democrats are finally coming to grips with the fact that their days in the majority are numbered and the finger-pointing has begun.
Punchbowl:“Among Democratic leaders, there has been some quiet preparation for the inevitable. The DCCC and other Democratic organizations have previewed to leadership in recent days that the outlook for keeping the House continues to deteriorate.”
New York Times: “Top Democratic officials, lawmakers and strategists are openly second-guessing their party’s campaign pitch and tactics, reflecting a growing sense that Democrats have failed to coalesce around one effective message with enough time to stave off major losses in the House and possibly decisive defeats in the tightly contested Senate.”
Axios: “With a week to go before the midterm elections, some Democratic operatives working on House races are already beginning to assign blame in the event their party loses winnable seats: The culprit, they say, is blue-state governors dragging down the rest of the ballot.”
NRCC Comment: “Democrats finally realize their majority is doomed because they made everything more expensive and everyone less safe.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg