MEMO: Anti-Colorado vote will cost Yadira Caraveo

April 18, 2023

The NRCC released a new memo detailing how Yadira Caraveo’s and other vulnerable House Democrats’ vote against HR 1 doomed her re-election chances. 

Weld County, found in Caraveo’s district, is the number one producer of oil and gas in Colorado. 83% of all crude oil production and 52% of all natural gas production in Colorado comes from Weld County. 

The memo concludes: “In Colorado where Caraveo represents regions critical to the state’s oil & gas production, one in eight jobs in the state are supported by the energy industry & in 2019 contributed $46.1 billion to the state’s GDP.”

Read the full memo here

“Energy jobs are crucial to Colorado’s economy, and Caraveo’s stance on energy issues is a betrayal to the oil and gas producers in her district.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar