Gonzalez runs for cover
Vicente Gonzalez is a part of the problem and now he’s trying to run for cover.
In light of record numbers of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border ahead of Title 42 ending on Thursday, Gonzalez announced he is in favor of extending Title 42 as “an opportunity to build much more infrastructure.”
But during his five years in office, Gonzalez hasn’t done anything to crack down on the border crisis.
Rather, he consistently works to soften border security and support illegal immigration.
➡️ He cosponsored a bill to give amnesty to more than 2 million illegal immigrants
➡️ He refused to join a bill designating gulf cartels as foreign terror organizations
➡️ He voted against sharing criminal information with DHS authorities to deport illegal immigrants posing a public safety or national security risk
➡️ He was the sole Democrat to vote against legislation to combat the opioid crisis
And even worse, before he was a congressman, Gonzalez’s law firm represented an array of felony drug dealers and street gang leaders.
“Vicente Gonzalez has been a part of the problem since before he was even in Congress. He has made no effort to solve the border crisis and now he’s trying to backpedal and run for political cover.” — NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar