ICYMI: Chairman Hudson on DCCC recruitment failure
NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson joined the Hugh Hewitt show this morning to discuss the DCCC’s dismal start to candidate recruitment, the party-wide investment in early voting, and how the debt ceiling deal was a massive win for House Republicans.
In case you missed it…
“Have the Democrats come up with anyone to go against Scott yet?”
“No, and they’re having, across the board, they’re having trouble in recruiting. They had a big recruitment fail in New Jersey. Their top person took a pass. You look at Iowa, they don’t have a single Democrat running against any of our four really in Iowa. I mean, it’s toxic out there for Democrats. You look Biden’s numbers I, I’d hate to be a Democrat.”
“Now, in terms of the bankyourvote.com effort that Ron McDaniel was on with me last night. Is the NRCC also into, it’s an election season, not an election day now?”
“Absolutely, and we’re a big part of Bank Your Vote. I think it’s important, and we are going to invest more at the Committee than we ever have on ground game. My philosophy is that whatever the law is in that state, we better be better at it than the Democrats. We can’t just sit back and say, ‘ballot harvest isn’t fair.’ We’ve got to look at what California Republicans have done and say, we’re not only going to compete. We’re going to beat the Democrats at the game.”
“And so last question. We got less than a minute, Congressman, does the debt limit deal help you? I think it does. But did you feel like the debt limit deal was a win for Republicans everywhere?”
“Absolutely. We got the Democrat president agree of 2.1 trillion in cuts. That’s a huge win. All right.”