About your child’s test score

June 21, 2023

Extreme Democrats’ COVID lockdowns pummeled middle and elementary school test scores“demonstrating the far-reaching effects of education changes during the pandemic” according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Inside the numbers:

  • The decline in math scores last year was the biggest in the past 50 years.
  • The lowest-performing students scored at levels last recorded in the 1970s, when the assessment began.
  • Scores declined among all racial and ethnic groups, and among both male and female students, and across urban, suburban and rural areas.

NRCC National Press Secretary Will Reinert said: “Bribes from corrupt teachers’ unions – given in exchange for Democrats’ compliance on COVID lockdowns – represent the greatest educational theft in American history. Every parent will soon know extreme Democrats put the American Dream further out of reach for the next generation.”