Mary Peltola sponsors extreme trans bill

July 6, 2023

Since taking office, Mary Peltola has become more and more extreme. Peltola’s latest assault on mainstream Alaskans is her sponsorship of an extreme transgender bill causing “serious safety and privacy implications for girls and women.”

Peltola’s bill would force Alaska schools, gyms and faith-based charities to open their women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and domestic violence shelters to biological males.

The risk is not abstract — Peltola would force a downtown Anchorage women’s shelter to accept biological men if they claim to identify as female.

“Mary Peltola is behaving like a representative from San Francisco, not Alaska. Peltola’s time in Congress pushing anti-family policies has been a complete betrayal of Alaskans to cater to extreme out-of-state environmental and transgender activists.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen