Will border crisis denier Kirsten Engel deny this?

August 1, 2023

The Biden border crisis exploded again last month. The Washington Post reports:

  • “Border arrests surged in July, a blow to Biden migration plan”
  • “The spike in illegal crossings was most pronounced in the deserts of southern Arizona”
  • “U.S. agents there made about 40,000 arrests in July, the highest one-month total for the Tucson sector in 15 years, CBP data show”

Will extreme liberal Kirsten Engel deny the Biden border crisis again like she did last year?

Reminder: Kirsten Engel’s views on the border are extreme and completely out-of-step with mainstream Southern Arizona voters:

  • Engel denied there was a crisis. Asked “Kirsten, does Arizona have an immigration crisis?,” Engel responded flatly, “No.”
  • Engel backed Biden ending Title 42 a year ago. Engel said, “Title 42 is not the answer.”
  • Engel voted against border law enforcement funding.
  • Engel supported defunding the police.
  • Engel voted against a resolution thanking Border Patrol agents.

“Not only does extreme liberal Kirsten Engel deny the Biden border crisis, she supported stripping away funding from law enforcement officers patrolling the border. Arizonans rejected Engel’s dangerous open borders agenda and will do so again in 2024.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen