Bidenomics is a Hard Sell

August 29, 2023

In case you missed it…USA Today covered vulnerable Democrats avoiding the topic of “Bidenomics” during August recess – despite their tone-deaf leader claiming the oppositetoday on cable news. 

With grocery trips costing three figures a week, mortgage rates at new highs, and gas prices on the rise, it’s no wonder Democrats like Marcy Kaptur and Emilia Sykes are avoiding touting Bidenomics. It’s hard to celebrate a disaster. 

“Burying their head in the sand won’t make Marcy Kaptur’s and Emilia Sykes’ furious constituents ignore their rising gas and grocery bills. Extreme Democrats’ reckless spending means we all pay more for less: that’s the real definition of ‘Bidenomics.’” — NRCC Spokesman Chris Gustafson