Does Vicente Gonzalez agree with the wall?

October 5, 2023

Today the Biden administration announced 20 miles of new border wall in Texas. Vicente Gonzalez has been notably silent on if he supports Biden’s decision.

Earlier this year, Gonzalez voted against securing the southern border and cracking down on illegal immigration.

Additionally, Gonzalez has been hostile toward the specific idea of a border wall. In 2018 he said “opposition is an understatement” and he said a “wall does not secure our border. This is not the solution.” In 2021, he applauded pausing construction, saying, “a medieval wall was not the solution for a 21st Century problem” and called a border wall “Band-Aids on the problem.”

So the question remains: Does Gonzalez support the new border wall?

“Vicente Gonzalez is forced to choose between finally siding with Republicans’ calls to secure the border or going back on his word.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar