Chairman Hudson interview: We are going to grow the majority

November 6, 2023

NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson joined Fox News radio to explain why House Republicans will grow their majority in the 2024 election.

Some highlights:

  • On the ’24 election issues: “It’s the economy, it’s the cost of things. If you can even find the things you want at the grocery story, you can’t afford it. The cost of gas, the cost of heating your home. It’s also crime in your neighborhood. It’s concerns about the open border and the fentanyl poison that’s pouring into this country and affecting people in every state… Voters trust Republicans, not Democrats, on the key issues that they care about.”
  • On growing the majority: “The most vulnerable [Democrats] are the the five who serve in districts won by President Trump. That’s Macy Kaptur, Perez, Cartwright, Golden, Peltola. But there are also three Democrat open seats. Katie Porter out in California, Elissa Slotkin in Michigan and Spanberger in Virginia. Those are Republican seats that we targeted the last couple cycles, but because those incumbents raised so much money we were not able to take them out. Now those are open seats, I think those are obvious pickup opportunities.”
  • What Speaker Johnson means for the NRCC’s fundraising: “We had our best fundraising week of the year the first week he was Speaker. We broke records on digital and mail… I believe Mike Johnson will be an incredibly good fundraiser.”

Listen to the full interview here.