Kirsten Engel tries, fails to rewrite her history of denying border crisis

February 9, 2024

Extreme liberal Kirsten Engel is trying — and failing — to rewrite her well-documented history of denying the border crisis.

Too bad she’s on tape.

The Arizona Republic reported “Engel rejected the idea that Arizona has an immigration crisis” during a 2022 debate. Roll the tape.

And Engel said in 2021, Republicans are doing illegal immigrants a “grave disservice” by “depicting our border as a place of crisis.” Roll the tape.

“Extreme liberal Kirsten Engel lost in 2022 because Southern Arizonans recognized she is not a normal Democrat, she is on the very furthest left fringe of her party that likes open borders. Engel’s only hope in 2024 depends on lying and deceiving voters, but her extensive record of votes and statements speak for themselves.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen