New poll sparks trouble for NV delegation

May 14, 2024

The latest polling gives vulnerable Democrats Susie Lee, Dina Titus and Steven Horsford a message loud and clear: They have a long six months ahead.

In Nevada, Biden’s “weakness with Hispanic voters and pessimism over his handling of the economy” is hurting all Democrats – including Lee, Titus and Horsford – by DOUBLE DIGITS.

As Ralston Reports put it, this is an “awful” poll for Biden and “Dem House incumbents.”

“Lee, Titus and Horsford have tied themselves to Biden’s sinking ship and now they’re going down with it. Voters have had enough of extreme Democrats’ inflationary policies and it’s clear Nevadans will be voting with their wallets in mind this November.” — NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar