Will the real Lanon Baccam please stand up?

June 5, 2024

Now that Primary Day is over, Iowa Democrats in IA-03 landed with Lanon Baccam as their nominee.

But many still have an underlying questionWho is Lanon Baccam?

According to sources, we still don’t know… because he’s been dodginghidingand lying.

Here is what we DO know about Lanon Baccam:

  • Lanon has desperately attempted to erase his extensive resume as a paid political activist. He passionately campaigned for Democrats like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Amy Klobuchar, among many others — but voters won’t hear that from him.
  • Lanon deleted every single mention of Joe Biden from his social media. When asked about this, he completely dodged the question and refused to answer. Why is he trying to distance himself from the current President, the leader of his party and the candidate he campaigned for in Iowa?
  • Lanon hid in his basement for most of the Democrat primary. We never saw him debate Melissa Vine, nor did he hold many public events. How can someone run for Congress, yet hide from voters and the press?
  • Voters in IA-03 aren’t happy with how the “national Democratic machine has meddled in yet another local election” and they ended up with the hyper-partisan Lanon Baccam as their nominee.

“Lanon Baccam built himself quite the sound-proof bunker during his entire campaign so far and voters don’t know the radical he truly is. Voters deserve to know the real Lanon Baccam outside of his phony campaign ads and tampered-with social media.” — NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella