New poll shows Eric Sorensen in deep trouble

June 24, 2024

new poll for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District shows Joe Biden and Eric Sorensen are in deep trouble.

Here’s the bottom line:

  • Joe Biden is up by just 1 percent in a district he won by nearly 10 percent in 2020.
  • Eric Sorensen is in a 14 percent deficit when voters are given an informed ballot with the barrage of negative headlines about his extreme record and past statements.
  • Judge Joe McGraw is in a prime position to flip this district red.

“Joe Biden and Eric Sorensen’s extreme policies are wildly out of touch with the working class people of Illinois. Sorensen’s extreme stances have finally been exposed to voters, and it’s clear they are not happy. Judge Joe McGraw will bring common sense back to Illinois, safeguard communities and stand up for the values of Illinoisans.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella

Read more about the poll here or see excerpts below:

Poll: Biden up by one in a district he carried by almost double digits
Washington Reporter
Matthew Foldi
June 24, 2024

President Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by just 1 percent in an Illinois district he carried by almost 10 percent in 2020, a new 1892 Polling survey found. 
Numbers also suggested that Republicans may be able to flip the House seat in Illinois’s 17th District. While 1892 Polling’s numbers show that Illinois Democratic Rep. Eric Sorensen currently leads his Republican opponent, Joe McGraw, by 9 percent, Sorensen’s lead transformed into a 14 percent deficit when voters were given an informed ballot question.

Full poll can be found HERE.