NRCC Statement on Frisch continuing to meddle in GOP primary

June 24, 2024

WASHINGTON – The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) released the following statement on Democrat Adam Frisch doubling down on his meddling in the CO-03 Republican primary:

“In this Republican-leaning district, Democrat Adam Frisch knows he can’t win the general election unless he plays dirty. This unprecedented move is just more pathetic primary meddling by Colorado Democrats. We have been clear: Republicans should pick our nominee, not Adam Frisch.” — NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar 

This meddling, which has been denounced by local Republicans and Democrats, by Frisch has been called out by local press for being “risky” and a “last-minute effort to put [Frisch’s] thumb on the scale.” Further, Frisch is acting against the DCCC’s wishes, as the DCCC has announced they don’t support Democrats boosting candidates in Republican primaries. 


  • Frisch is spending $462,671 in Denver, Grand Junction, Colorado Springs and Albuquerque media markets to meddle in the CO-03 primary
  • Rocky Mountain Values, a group bankrolled by the same donors as House Democrats’ nonprofit, has already spent $677,669 meddling in the primary.
  • In 2022, Democrats came under massive criticism for spending in the Senate primary, a move that ultimately backfired. And there’s a potential that it will backfire on them this cycle too.