Illinois jobs OUT, Eric Sorensen’s radical policies IN

July 1, 2024

John Deere announced hundreds of production workers at their plant in East Moline will be laid off as they shift their production out of the country to Mexico.

This is a direct result of the disastrous policies of the Biden administration and Eric Sorensen who hasn’t lifted a finger to help.

Time and again, reckless rules from Biden’s EPA have been going after John Deere. Just last month, Biden’s EPA targeted John Deere for “violating the Clean Air Act” and Sorensen remained silent.

Due to Sorensen’s ineffectiveness and the reckless policies he supports, his own constituents are out of luck while their jobs are leaving the country.

“Time and again, Eric Sorensen proves to be ineffective and out of touch. Instead of fighting for good paying jobs in Illinois, Sorensen would rather pick fights online about his radical agenda and push Joe Biden’s disastrous policies. Now his constituents are paying the heavy price.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella