NRCC Billboard, Paid Digital Ad Campaign Holds Adam Gray & Rudy Salas Accountable For Today’s Gas Tax Hike

July 1, 2024

An aggressive new billboard and paid digital ad campaign, launching as California’s gas tax increases nearly two cents per gallon, holds Adam Gray and Rudy Salas accountable for supporting higher gas prices.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) campaign highlights how self-serving Sacramento politicians Adam Gray and Rudy Salas increased the cost of gas at Central Valley families’ expense. Thanks to Gray and Salas, the gas tax goes up to nearly 60 cents per gallon after July 1.

“It is reprehensible that self-serving Sacramento politicians Rudy Salas and Adam Gray have no problem attacking hardworking Californians’ wallets by supporting continuing to increase taxes while folks struggle to put food on the table. We will make sure voters know who is responsible for their shrinking wallets.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

Californians pay the highest gas prices in the country because Adam Gray and Rudy Salas voted for extreme policies that raise costs on Valley families who can least afford it.

  • In the 13th district, Gray voted to raise the gas tax.
  • In the 22nd district, Salas supported higher gas prices by skipping four votes to suspend the tax increase, voting for budgets containing it and voting for legislation that increased gas prices.

In sharp contrast, Representative David Valadao and Representative John Duarte led the charge to suspend the gas tax increase. Representatives Valadao and Duarte also raised the alarm about new Sacramento regulations set to increase gas prices another 47 cents per gallon, something Rudy Salas voted for.

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