Fishy timing

July 8, 2024

Extreme Democrat Mary Peltola announced she’s skipping work—and with it, tough questions from reporters in the hallways about her endorsing Biden, serving as Biden’s DNC delegate and touting Biden’s “mental acuity.”

Peltola’s disappearing act is nothing new—Peltola skipped critical Anchorage field hearings of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee she sits on and a visit by the U.S. Transportation Secretary last August to campaign in Colorado instead. Then Peltola rushed back for a photo op after intense Republican criticism—so rushed, in fact, she held her fishing rod upside down.

“Extreme Democrat Mary Peltola’s conveniently-timed disappearing act stinks worse than fish in the office microwave. Reeling from her own toxic decisions to bear-hug Biden, Peltola plays hooky to avoid any tough questions.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen