Mary Peltola’s stunning U-turn under pressure

July 8, 2024

Extreme Democrat Mary Peltola will vote for Biden as a Democrat National Convention delegate, but shockingly claims her opinion on whether Biden is fit to be president is “irrelevant.”

From the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:

But Peltola said in the grand scheme of things, it’s not an issue for Alaska. “I don’t think there is any benefits to Alaskans weighing in on this issue,” Peltola said. “My opinion is irrelevant.”

Before the debate:

  • Mary Peltola was one of the first House Democrats to endorse Joe Biden’s re-election.
  • Peltola claimed, “I think that Joe Biden’s mental acuity is very, very on. He’s one of the smartest, sharpest people I’ve met in D.C.”
  • Peltola met with Biden at least EIGHT times.
  • Peltola voted with Biden over 90 percent.

Peltola must answer: Is Biden fit to serve as president and will you vote for Biden at the Democrat National Convention?

“As a DNC delegate and Biden endorser, Mary Peltola can’t hide from her starring role in propping up Biden’s failing presidency. Alaskans won’t forget Mary Peltola gaslighting them come November.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen