NRCC Ad: Mary Peltola Met Biden Privately & Still Covered Up His Mental Failures

July 11, 2024

The NRCC released a new digital ad campaign targeting Mary Peltola, who met privately with President Biden – as documented in the White House visitor’s log portal – but covered up his mental failures.


“Extreme House Democrats including Mary Peltola are complicit in hiding the president’s drastic mental decline. After two weeks of silence it’s clear they still want Joe Biden in the Oval Office – not because of his cognitive function – but because they know in his diminished state he is a rubber stamp for their extreme agenda.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

“Cover-Up” script: 
The scandal of the century.
Our president lacks the mental fitness for office, and Mary Peltola covered it up.
Peltola met privately with Joe Biden.
She witnessed Biden’s mental failures up close.
But allowed crises to rage under Biden’s frail leadership.
Mary Peltola ignored our concerns. 
[Peltola CLIP]
Tell Mary Peltola to stop defending Biden when she knows the TRUTH.