Scott Baugh leads extreme liberal Dave Min in new 47th district polling

July 11, 2024

Businessman and Orange County charitable leader Scott Baugh leads the hotly-contested race for the open California 47th district seat.

New polling found Baugh beating extreme liberal Dave Min by three points, showing Scott’s message of lower taxes, secure borders and getting tough on criminals resonates with swing voters. Highlights:

  • Scott is winning with key voter groups including Hispanic voters, independent voters and women voters (18-54).
  • Biden is deeply underwater in the district. Biden’s image is -10 and job approval is -9.
  • Trump is winning the district.

“Scott Baugh’s surging momentum proves Orange County families are fed up with the disastrous status quo. They want a fighter like Scott who’ll slash taxes and inflation, secure our borders and hold violent criminals accountable — not another spineless puppet of the far-left like Dave Min.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen