Mike Levin throws Biden overboard while they both sink

July 12, 2024

Extreme Democrat Mike Levin is throwing Biden overboard in a desperate election-year stunt designed to make Biden border crisis architect and Enabler-in-Chief Kamala Harris president.

Levin must answer now:

  • Are you calling for Biden to resign? If not, why not?
  • As a DNC delegate, will you vote for Kamala Harris?

Recall, Mike Levin has met with Biden at the White House at least ten times. Levin also voted to protect Biden from having the Hur interview tapes released. 

Levin voted with Biden 100 percent of the time, including repeatedly voting for Biden and Harris’ dangerous open borders policies. And Biden held a campaign rally for Levin in 2022:

“Everyone can see extreme Democrat Mike Levin’s statement for what it truly is, a transparent election-year ploy to try to cling to his seat. President Biden is sitting in the Oval Office because Levin and Democrats hid the truth from voters and lied about the president’s condition. Will Levin vote for Biden border czar Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee for president?” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen