WTAS: Kean Had a Great Week

July 12, 2024

While Democrats have been spinning their wheels and losing the plot, Rep. Tom Kean Jr. had an excellent week. 

FIRST: He was endorsed by blue-collar union group International Brotherhood of Operating Engineers Local 825. This came after the New Jersey State Building & Construction Trades Council endorsed him previously and the the New Jersey AFL-CIO decided not to take sides in the contest, a blow to extreme Democrat Sue Altman’s campaign. 

SECOND: He secured a massive cash on hand of $3,005,363 after completing Q2, having over $800,000 more cash on hand than his opponent. 

THIRD: He had his first bill to become law (the first of the GOP freshmen that represents a Biden won district), a bipartisan effort called the Fire Grants and Safety Act which, per NJ Globe, “…reauthorizes several critical federal grants for firefighters and first responders, and also includes nuclear energy provisions added in from another bill.” 

“Congressman Tom Kean is delivering for the people of New Jersey, which is why he’s racking up money and endorsements. Meanwhile, Sue Altman can’t answer a straight question about who she thinks should lead the Democrat party.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Savannah Viar