NRCC Chairman Hudson Speaks at Republican National Convention

July 18, 2024

NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson (R-NC) delivered remarks on the final night of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The full transcript of the speech can be found below: 

My name is Richard Hudson.

I have the privilege of representing North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District.

My job as NRCC Chairman is to grow the House majority. 

In my district we have the largest military base in the world: Fort Bragg, home of the Airborne and Special Forces.

The men and women there are willing to give their lives for the flag.

And, if they make the ultimate sacrifice, that same flag accompanies them on the final journey home.

They deserve a Commander in Chief who respects them and who honors their service.

Donald Trump is that Commander in Chief.

Donald Trump loves America. He literally embraces the flag.

Extreme Democrats burn it in the streets and on college campuses.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stand with those flag burners.

They want to rule over you. 

House Republicans stand with President Trump. And we stand up for America and we stand for the flag.

House Republicans understand we do not rule over the American people, we work for you.

In the last two years, we: 

Passed a historic border security bill that would lock down Biden’s open border,

Passed legislation to unleash energy production and lower costs,

Passed legislation to remove woke indoctrination from the military,

Passed the Parents’ Bill of Rights,

And we impeached Biden’s failed border chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

But Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer killed those bills and blocked any progress for the American people.

For the last two years, House Republicans have fought alone. We need backup!

To save America we need to grow our majority. And we need President Donald Trump.

A Republican House is also essential to ensuring Donald Trump’s success as President.

Can you imagine what Nancy Pelosi’s protégé Hakeem Jeffries would do as Speaker to undermine President Trump?

If Democrats control the House, they’ll block every tax cut, budget, border bill, and crime bill he proposes.

They’ll hold sham investigations and hearings to bog down his agenda.

They’ll impeach him for doing his job. 

We’re not going to let that happen!

Together, a Republican House and President Trump will: 

Preserve the historic Trump tax cuts and eliminate taxes on tips.

Fund the police.

Rebuild our military.

Stand up to Communist China. 

And finish the wall!

A House majority will make Donald Trump’s second term even more successful than the first.

So let me ask you: who can we count on?

Who can we count on to return us to unprecedented American prosperity?

Who can we count on to stand up to our enemies?

Who can we count on for a secure border and safer neighborhoods?

I’ll tell you who we can count on, Donald Trump! 

Let’s elect Donald Trump and GROW our House Republican majority – together we will make happen!

Thank you!