If He’s Unfit to Run, He’s Unfit to Serve

July 21, 2024

Extreme Democrats, including Chris Pappas, Maggie Goodlander and Colin Van Ostern, have been twisting themselves in knots trying to ignore the question on everyone’s minds: “Is Joe Biden fit to serve as President?” 

Democrats can’t have it both ways. If Joe Biden can’t handle a debate or a rally, he can’t stand up to Putin or have access to the nuclear codes.

New Hampshire Democrats needs to answer the question “Is the President fit to serve the rest of his term?”

Regardless of who the Democrat nominee is, Americans know that Democrats are responsible for the Biden record: historic inflation, weakness abroad, border chaos and high crime. Judgement day is coming in November, when Americans will punish Chris Pappas, and either Maggie Goodlander or Colin Van Ostern, to deliver a Republican in the White House and a larger House Republican majority.