Marcy Kaptur shows another election year stunt

July 23, 2024

Extreme Democrat Marcy Kaptur has been one of the few Democrats to hold out on endorsing Kamala Harris, who is the most far left presidential candidate in history.

Why is she holding out? Another election year stunt.

Kaptur claims she’d like to see the VP pick to be someone from the Midwest, which is rich for someone who hasn’t done a thing for Northwest Ohio considering she has only passed 5 bills in 41 years.

The truth is, Kaptur will eventually bend the knee to her party leaders and support far left progressive Kamala Harris. Kaptur is just as out of touch as San Francisco radical Kamala Harris. 

“Marcy Kaptur has been making up every excuse to hide the fact that she will eventually bend the knee to her party leaders and support San Francisco radical Kamala Harris. Ohio voters deserve to know the truth about Kaptur’s position – not more election year stunts.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella