The many lies of Mary Peltola
Fact-check Mary Peltola’s most unhinged comments this week:
- PELTOLA: “I as a rule do not believe in endorsements”
- REALITY: “Peltola endorses Biden for president” –Anchorage Daily News
- PELTOLA: “I am not a super active person within the Democratic Party”
- REALITY: Peltola was the Keynote Speaker at this year’s Alaska Democrat Party Convention, is a DNC Delegate and is the Co-Chair of a Democrat PAC fundraising for other Democrat candidates.
- PELTOLA: “I am still keeping an open mind”
- REALITY: Peltola posted hours later “I’m not voting for Trump.”
- PELTOLA: “I am not being coy”
- REALITY: Seriously? LOL
- PELTOLA: “This is a very uncomfortable place to be”
- REALITY: Fact check—TRUE
“Mary Peltola’s pathological lying hit new heights failing to cover up her unwavering support for Biden and Kamala Harris. Alaskans deserve better than a liberal liar like Peltola who has the audacity to pretend she’s not keynoting Democrat Conventions, endorsing Biden and fundraising for fellow extreme Democrats.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen