Marcy Kaptur sits down for Israel

July 25, 2024

Yesterday, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered the House chamber to deliver his remarks to Congress, extreme Democrat Marcy Kaptur remained seated right next to rabid antisemite Rashida Tlaib. 

This isn’t the first time Marcy Kaptur has sided with terrorists, she previously compared Bin Laden to the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution.

Kaptur has not been shy about trying to help Hamas’ efforts. She supported withholding aid from Israel, voted against immediately freezing all Iranian assets and opposed aiding Israel because it meant cutting the already bloated IRS.

“Marcy Kaptur sits down for Israel instead of standing up for victims of terror. Her extreme record and disappointing actions make it clear she is not on the side of our strongest ally in the Middle East.” — NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella