ICYMI: Laura Gillen is bankrolled by out-of-state progressives

July 26, 2024

As fundraising ramps up, it’s important to note that Laura Gillen isn’t getting much from her neighbors. Instead, only 3.9% of her donations came from within NY-04, just roughly one-tenth the amount Rep. Anthony D’Esposito raised from within the district. 

Read more here and below. 

The ‘ins and outs’ of the CD4 cash contest


July 25, 2024

As the campaigns for Long Island’s House seats shift their strategies in response to the change at the top of the Democratic ticket, Rep. Anthony D’Esposito is drilling down on one aspect he says distinguishes his campaign from Democrat Laura Gillen’s in CD4: The money.

At first glance, it seems an issue on which Gillen would have an advantage. As of the July filings, Gillen has more money on hand than D’Esposito, according to recently filed federal campaign records which showed Gillen with $2.5 million and D’Esposito with $2.2 million in the bank. Nonetheless, the D’Esposito campaign is looking to discount that advantage. The question it’s asking: How much of the money was raised locally?

On that, D’Esposito spokesman Matt Capp said, D’Esposito is winning. In the second quarter, he said, D’Esposito raised $425,379 from supporters within CD4, 38% of the $1.1 million he raised in total for the quarter. When accounting for only itemized contributions — those that are reported to the Federal Election Commission with full identifying information for each contributor and made available to the public — that percentage fell to 32%, Capp said.


“It just shows that Anthony D’Esposito’s positions and the stands that he has taken and the way he positions himself resonate more deeply with community members here, whereas Gillen is having to rely on out of state and people from other parts of the country to boost their campaign,” Capp said.


Read more here.