From “fluent” to “broken” — Derek Tran admits he lied

August 30, 2024

After an investigation revealed extreme Democrat Derek Tran’s claim “I am the only candidate that speaks fluent Vietnamese” was false, Tran today admitted in a LA Times interview he lied about being fluent:

“Tran said Vietnamese was his first language, but he has lost his childhood fluency. He understands most of what’s said to him, he said, but uses a translator ‘because I don’t want any of my messaging to get lost from my broken Vietnamese.’”

Tran’s admission humiliated the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which defended Tran’s supposed fluency as recently as last night to the New York Post:

“The DCCC directed The Post to other interviews where Tran spoke in Vietnamese, haltingly, and with English words and phrases — such as “refugee,” “communism,” “embarrass,” “amazing,” “grocery,” “housing,” “deep love for service,” and “always represent the people and not the big business corporation” — peppered in.  Another appearance shows him reading a speech in Vietnamese off of a sheet of paper and then reading the speech in English.”

“Derek Tran’s campaign is a house of cards collapsing from the weight of his lying. Tran’s con job proves he and extreme D.C. Democrats will say anything to fool voters. Orange County deserves better.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen