Dodgy Derek Tran continues dodging on issues

September 19, 2024

Dodgy Derek Tran continues to evade questions about his record and his views on issues important to voters, like his support for raising taxes and reckless spending fueling inflation.

Today, the Orange County Register Editorial Board endorsed Representative Michelle Steel after Tran’s disastrous performance in an interview. The Register wrote:

  • “…we don’t think her challenger is quite ready for prime time”
  • “Tran repeatedly struggled when asked a direct question about where he actually stood on the issues.”
  • “For instance, in the context of a discussion about the national debt, Tran was asked what he would cut. After initially floundering by saying he won’t know until he got elected, he replied he would look at America’s proxy wars. But when asked if he considered Ukraine a proxy war, he quickly backtracked and said he would support what’s currently going on there. When asked again which proxy war he was referring to, or if he had any in mind from the last decade, he expressed regret for having mentioned proxy wars at all and didn’t have any in mind.”
  • “So it went from there. In brief, Tran just isn’t ready to be a member of Congress.”
  • “It’s a no-brainer. Re-elect Michelle Steel to the House of Representatives.”

“No amount of dodging the issues or hiding his past can change the reality that Derek Tran is an incompetent lying fraud. Tran’s dangerous record representing alleged sexual assaulters, defending racists and keeping voters in the dark about his true beliefs all raises the question, what else is Tran concealing?” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen