Janelle Bynum abuse cover-up scandal: What they are saying

October 9, 2024

If you’re watching tonight’s Oregon 5th Congressional district debate, here are the facts about Janelle Bynum’s spiraling campaign cover-up scandal:

An Oregon Democrat filed an ethics complaint against Janelle Bynum with the Oregon State Legislature “alleging that Bynum had failed to be a mandatory reporter of allegations against a man working for the PAC that staffed her State Representative campaign in 2022” and “that when confronted about the alleged actions, Bynum was dismissive and even threatened the individual who had reached out to her.”

Leaked text messages revealed Bynum wrote, “‘I asked you not to send me anything and I meant that,’ Bynum says in a November 17th text in response to a warning from a former campaign manager about the staffer harassing women associated with the campaign. ‘I really can’t take anything else on my plate.’” 

Now, police are investigating: “Two sources familiar with the situation told Fox News Digital that police are investigating and conducting interviews on the matter.”

What they are saying…

State Representative Shelly Boshart Davis: “The allegations brought to light in this story are deeply concerning and warrant a full vetting. When we’re talking about issues like harassment, issues like sexual assault – including an alleged assault involving a minor – it’s essential that we pursue the truth and put victims first. Regrettably, it’s clear from the reporting that there is an attempt to shift blame away from those in power to protect that power at all costs.”

Christine Drazan: “Let’s call this what it is: a political coverup of potential criminal misconduct. It’s made worse by Janelle Bynum’s attempts to shift blame away from herself and onto a nameless, faceless political action committee and represents a clear failure in leadership. It’s an outright failure to protect a minor in an incredibly vulnerable situation. They deserved better. Women in Oregon deserve better. It should not be lost on anyone that, if not for media reports, Janelle Bynum and House Democrats would have been content to completely sweep these serious allegations under the rug.

State House Republican Leader Jeff Helfrich“Yet another scandal emerges under one-party Democrat rule in Oregon. And once again, those responsible are pointing fingers instead of taking accountability. The allegations of sexual impropriety and systemic failure to protect victims within the Democrat political machine are disturbing and, if true, unacceptable. Oregon State Police should continue investigating and charge any who broke the law. Criminals should face consequences for their actions. It is time for accountability in Oregon.”

Oregon Moms Union President MacKensey Pulliam: “Rep. Janelle Bynum has shown us exactly who she is, someone who turns a blind eye to abuse of our kids and silences victims. We demand Rep. Bynum fully cooperate with law enforcement and allow them to conduct a thorough, transparent investigation.”

State Representative Anna Scharf: “Flagging the possible sexual assault of an underage victim to a political action committee is not fulfilling your obligations as a mandatory reporter under Oregon law. It’s an attempt at covering it up during an election cycle. Future PAC, its leadership in 2022, and Representative Bynum all failed this underage victim. I am pleased the Oregon State Police will be looking into these allegations. If they are founded, I trust the judicial system will hold the person responsible for the assault accountable, as well as anyone else who failed to report, including Representative Bynum.”

KBNDBynum Accused Of Downplaying Sex Harassment Allegation

KOIN: “…Janelle Bynum is now responding to a report that she downplayed sexual harassment allegations against a man working for her campaign. And that harassment complaint filed with the state legislative equity office says it happened during Bynum’s 2022 campaign for the state legislature.”

Oregon Capital Chronicle: “A top staffer for Democratic congressional candidate Janelle Bynum’s rival in the May primary filed a complaint this summer alleging that Bynum turned a blind eye to sexual harassment and assault by an operative assigned to her 2022 legislative campaign. The third-party complaint was first reported over the weekend by Fox News, which underlined the importance of the race.”