Steven Horsford’s Manufactured Political Theater with Bernie & AOC

March 20, 2025

Today, out of touch Steven Horsford is busy bowing down to the new leaders of the Democrat party— socialists Bernie Sanders and AOC—at their so-called “town hall,” yet another display of manufactured political posturing. If you’re covering today’s “town hall” please consider the following statement:

“We’ve seen this stunt before: billionaire-funded activists staging phony protests to manufacture outrage. Now, Steven Horsford is running the same pathetic play—pushing partisan theatrics instead of serving Nevadans.” – NRCC Spokesman Christian Martinez

Here is how Steven Horsfordis shamelessly aligning himself with the extreme socialist Democrats to push their radical agenda at the expense of Nevadans:

  • These “town halls” are designed to only engage local Democrats and Republican voters have been barred from attending.
  • A far-left activist group, founded by billionaire mega-donors, claimedresponsibility for crashing town halls across the county.
  • One of these radical groups has even been paying people to protest.  
  • Democrat town halls are nothing but scripted propaganda—just like Walz, who abandoned real ones the moment he became Governor of Minnesota.
  • In November, Democrats were overwhelmingly rejected by voters for being out-of-touch and too radical for our country.