Stimulus vs. Bonuses

March 5, 2009

The accusations are flying thick and fast in the 20th CD, with the Republicans trying to sully Democrat Scott Murphy’s credentials as a capable businessman and the Democrats slamming away on Republican Jim Tedisco for refusing to say how he would have voted on the stimulus bill.

Here’s the latest attack (or “contrast” if you prefer) ad from the NRCC:

Jimmy Vielkind reports that a conservative PAC that is a big fan of Sarah Palin, is trying to turn the stimulus bill issue against Murphy, accusing him of being a “taxpayer’s worst enemy” because of his willingness to vote “yes” (had he been there) on the “pork-laden” package.

The DCCC, meanwhile, is circulating a video of Tedisco from back at the height of the Caroline Kennedy-for-Senate fracas, during which the minority leader, while calling for a special election to fill Hillary Clinton’s seat, decries the fact (at about the 4:30 mark) that he has no idea where Kennedy stands on key issues such as…You guessed it! The stimulus package!

Tedisco spokesman Adam Kramer responded:

“Jim has been clear on this all along. He would support a stimulus that had his amendments to cut the pork and waste and where the money would go in a straight line to help the middle class.” …

Click here to read the full story.