GOP takes aim at Kagen, other Dems

May 31, 2009

It’s been just shy of seven months since the 2008 congressional elections, and already the committee charged with electing Republicans to the House is aiming for 2010 — with Rep. Steve Kagen as a primary target.

Kagen, D-Appleton, is one of 17 Democrats under attack in an advertising blitz mounted by the National Republican Congressional Committee.

The radio, telephone and television ads criticize the lawmakers for voting against initiating an investigation of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., over her tiff with the CIA about interrogation methods.

Pelosi has accused the intelligence agency of misleading Congress on the agency’s use of tactics, including waterboarding, to interrogate terrorism suspects.

It is the third wave of ads run by the NRCC since January, spokesman Paul Lindsay said. The ads are targeting Democrats in swing districts.

“Our responsibility is to hold Democrats accountable, and part of our effort is to make sure we’re going on the offensive,” Lindsay said. “The more Democrats like Steve Kagen side with Nancy Pelosi, the more she will become a political liability.”…

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