Himes faces tough crowd at library

June 4, 2009

On a wet Thursday evening last week Jim Himes journeyed to Southport by rail, and walked through a misty dusk to meet approximately sixty of his constituents at the Pequot Library. The topic of the Town Hall Meeting was Himes’ “Smart Progress for Connecticut” plan. However, Himes prefaced his remarks with the comment, “I am going to do a lot of listening tonight.” True to his word, Himes listened to a fervent, engaged, and at times irreverent crowd…

Less than thirty minutes after his outline of “Smart Progress” Himes opened the floor to questions. Attendees did not seem to be tremendously concerned with “Smart Progress” and many were content to ignore the aforementioned problems in the interest of curbing exorbitant federal spending. When Himes attempted to attribute the expansion of the national debt and deficit to the Administration of George W. Bush he was shouted down with boos and catcalls. One woman yelled out, “The Obama administration is just as irresponsible,” and one man sternly told the Congressman, “sit down!”…

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