Dems Say ObamaCare is “Here to Stay”

July 9, 2012

The Only Way to Make ObamaCare Leave is to Kick-Out Dems

  • Last Friday’s grim jobs numbers left no doubt that America’s economy remains weak, with millions of families still struggling to find work.
  • ObamaCare is making things worse, and polls show Americans recognize that ObamaCare’s burdensome regulations are hurting small business job creation.
  • Despite these growing concerns about ObamaCare’s disastrous economic impact, Democrats insist their healthcare law is “here to stay.” That means the only way to make ObamaCare leave is to kick-out Democrats.


Last Friday’s grim jobs numbers left no doubt that America’s economy remains weak, with millions of families still struggling to find work:

JUST 80K JOBS CREATED IN JUNE, UNEMPLOYMENT RATE STAYS AT 8.2%: (Michael Aneiro, “Disappointed Again: U.S. Adds 80,000 New Jobs in June,” Barrons, 7/6/2012)


DEMOCRATS PROMISED THEIR STIMULUS WOULD HAVE UNEMPLOYMENT BELOW 6% BY NOW: “Mr. Obama asserted again Friday that the problem is that Congress won’t pass his jobs plan. The first stimulus was supposed to produce growth that would by now have the jobless rate under 6%. So now we are supposed to believe that Stimulus II will do the trick.” (Editorial, “The Latest Jobs Drought,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/7/2012)

UNDEREMPLOYMENT RATE RISES TO 14.9%: (Jeffrey Sparshott and Eric Morath, “Jobs Data Indicate Slowing Growth,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/6/2012)

41 MONTHS OF UNEMPLOYMENT ABOVE 8 PERCENT: “With 41 months of 8% unemployment or higher, Congress’s Joint Economic Committee confirms that this is the weakest growth and employment at this stage of a recovery since World War II.” (Editorial, “The Latest Jobs Drought,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/7/2012)

LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION NEAR 40-YEAR LOW: (Editorial, “The Latest Jobs Drought,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/7/2012)

NOTE TO OBAMA: THE PRIVATE SECTOR IS NOT “DOING FINE.” (Zeke Miller, “Obama: ‘The Private Sector is Doing Fine,” BuzzFeed, 6/8/2012)


ObamaCare is making things worse, and polls show Americans recognize that ObamaCare’s burdensome regulations are hurting small business job creation:

GALLUP: 46% THINK OBAMACARE WILL HURT THE ECONOMY: (Frank Newport, “Americans See More Economic Harm Than Good in Health Law,” Gallup, 7/5/2012)

JOB CREATORS: LAW IS “UNWORKABLE AND UNAFFORDABLE” FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: “While it may have been ruled constitutional, the Affordable Care Act is truly unworkable and unaffordable for our country’s small business owners – particularly franchise owners.” (Catherine Monson, “Why the Health-Care Ruling May Stop Franchises from Opening New Stores, Creating New Jobs,” The Washington Post,6/29/2012)

Despite these growing concerns about ObamaCare’s disastrous economic impact, Democrats insist their healthcare law is “here to stay.” That means the only way to make ObamaCare leave is to kick-out Democrats:

OBAMA ON OBAMACARE: “THE LAW I PASSED IS HERE TO STAY”: (Zeke Miller, “Obama on Health Care: ‘The Law I Passed is Here to Stay,’” Buzzfeed, 7/5/2012)

OBAMA SAYS TIME TO “MOVE FORWARD” WITH OBAMACARE: “With today’s announcement, it’s time for us to move forward — to implement and, where necessary, improve on this law.” (“TRANSCRIPT: Obama Remarks on the Supreme Court Decision Upholding Health Care Law,” Fox News, 6/28/2012)

DCCC CHAIRMAN STEVE ISRAEL SAYS AMERICANS SUFFERING UNDER OBAMACARE NEED TO “MOVE ON”: “Today’s ruling isn’t a political victory for Democrats, it’s a victory for America’s middle class and seniors, and now House Republicans need to drop their partisan obstruction and move on.” (“DCCC Chairman Steve Israel’s Statement on Supreme Court Decision Upholding Health Care Reform,” DCCC, 6/28/2012)