Anti-health reform protesters shout down Rep. Doggett

August 3, 2009

t’s no wonder why lawmakers are avoiding the usual town hall meetings these days.

In this video making the rounds this morning, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), appears to get overrun by an angry mob of anti-health care reform protesters at an event in south Austin.

The protesters seem to be keying off the tax day Tea Party momentum, and they’re chanting “just say no” over and over again. Several are holding signs protesting “socialized medicine.”

Doggett’s district is a fairly liberal one, so it’s hard to tell if these protesters are genuinely grassroots types or whether they are part of a larger Republican organizing effort to create embarrassing public moments for Democrats during recess.

But if these protests gain momentum, it’s going to be a long August for Democrats back home during recess.

The Austin American Statesman has more.

Click here to read the full story.