Owens Sides with Pelosi's Push for Government Healthcare Takeover

October 29, 2009

Owens Sides with Pelosi’s Push for Government Healthcare Takeover

While NY Voters and Representatives Want to Put on the Brakes, Owens Ready to Go Full Steam Ahead


Washington- Bill Owens once again declared his loyalty to Nancy Pelosi and her all-out blitz to pass the Democrats’ government healthcare takeover agenda before taxpayers know what hit them. At last night’s candidate debate, Owens sided with Speaker Pelosi’s attempts to pass a bill as quickly as possible – even though New Yorkers and would-be colleagues have spoken out against Pelosi’s healthcare battering ram.


According to Owens:


“I believe we need to move forward with health care reform as rapidly as possible.” (North Country Public Radio, 10/28/09)


But as Pelosi and her fellow Democrats march on with their reckless healthcare agenda to Owens’ delight, New Yorkers feel differently:


“People expressed concerns about government-run health care, raising questions about whether current employer-provided health care would be lost, how the bill would impact taxpayers and why Congress was trying to rush the bill through.” (Nina Wegner, “Congressman Maffei’s Appointment-Only Sessions Turns into Town Hall Meeting on Healthcare,” Syracuse Post-Standard, 8/8/09)

Even Owens’ would-be colleagues would likely wonder why he’s in such a rush, as they have also asked Pelosi to slow down:

”Rep. Michael Arcuri, a Blue Dog member who represents the conservative Finger Lakes region and Utica area, said the pressure to rush the bill is bound to hurt the final product. ‘Honestly, we’ve been waiting 60 years for a health-care bill, and I think another month won’t kill it,’ Arcuri said. ‘I’ll feel, and I think the American people will feel, good that we didn’t rush this.’” (Daphne Ritter, “NY’s ‘Blue Dog’-Leaning Dems Growl at Bill,” New York Post, 7/23/09)

“Why is Bill Owens so eager force through Nancy Pelosi’s reckless government healthcare takeover?” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “As New York voters and fellow Democrats are clamoring for Nancy Pelosi to slow down and get it right, Owens wants to go full steam ahead with a reckless agenda that will kill jobs, raise taxes, and slash Medicare. Is Owens already undyingly loyal to his party bosses or is he just eager to cover his tracks before New Yorkers are stuck with the devastating consequences?”
