Target Dems Announce Support for Government Healthcare Takeover

October 22, 2009

For Immediate Release:                                                                                                                    Contact: Press Office October 22, 2009                                                                                                                                          (202) 479-7070

 Bobby Bright Announces Support for Government Healthcare Takeover
Left-Wing Healthcare Group Says They Have Bright’s Support

Washington- After months of trying to hide his real position on the so-called ‘public option’, it appears that Bobby Bright has finally fallen in line behind his radical party leaders with support for their government healthcare takeover. According to a website run by Howard Dean’s left-wing special interest group Democracy for America, Bright has already registered his support for “the choice of a public healthcare option.” This certainly comes as news to Alabama taxpayers, who will be footing the bill for Bright’s careless support of his party’s reckless healthcare agenda.

Democrat leaders seem to be expecting Bright’s support as well. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said today that House liberals have nearly reached the majority threshold needed to pass their government healthcare takeover:

“The robust public option is eight votes short of the 218 it needs to pass the House, Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.) tells HuffPost.”

“‘We anticipate that we’re at 210,’ he said. ‘We feel that the momentum is all on the robust Medicare plus five public option.’” (Ryan Grim, “Public Option Within Eight Votes of House Passage, Says Rep. Grijalva,” Huffington Post, 10/21/09)

“He tried to keep it quiet, but now it seems clear that Bobby Bright is ready to sell out Alabama taxpayers with his support for his party’s reckless government healthcare takeover,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Now that Bright has turned his back on his constituents, he at least owes them an explanation as to why he finally caved. Was it the crippling cost, the cuts to Medicare, the sweeping job losses, or the end of choice and competition in healthcare as we know it? Before Bright starts bumbling through his latest non-explanation, here’s a little advice for him: There’s no viable excuse.”

Now that Bobby Bright has apparently caved with his support for a government healthcare takeover, is there really any doubt that he’s anything more than a puppet for his reckless party leadership? Apparently, Alabama taxpayers will have to learn the answer the hard way.
