Teague's well-funded opponent

October 13, 2009

Former GOP congressman Steve Pearce is raking in big bucks as he looks to reclaim his old Congressional seat in a race against Rep. Harry Teague (D-N-M.).

Pearce raised $508,000 in the third fundraising quarter, which will likely place him among the leading House race fundraisers. He raised money from 1,364 individual donors, including 1,100 from New Mexico.

Pearce told POLITICO in July that his decision to run was borne out of Teague’s decision to vote for cap-and-trade energy legislation.  In a statement, his campaign credited his fundraising success to grassroots dissatisfaction with his opponent’s voting record..

Teague represents an oil and gas-dependent district that hadn’t elected a Democrat for more than a quarter-century.

Teague hasn’t yet announced his latest fundraising numbers . In the second quarter, he raised $331,000 and ended June with $574,000 cash-on-hand.
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